FY18 Medical Corps O5 Promotion Board Stats and Math Explained

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Overall stats are here (and in PDF form – FY18 AO5S STATS):

The promotion opportunity was 75%. The number of people in zone was 143. In order to find the total number of officers they could select for promotion, you take the promotion opportunity x the size of the zone:

(75% promotion opportunity) x (143 officer zone size) = 107 officers could be selected for promotion, which is how many they selected…

Above zone – 47 of 155 selected – 30.32%
In zone – 57 of 143 selected – 39.86%
Below zone – 3 of 398 selected – 0.75%


2 thoughts on “FY18 Medical Corps O5 Promotion Board Stats and Math Explained

    Chad Schmidgal (@CSchmidgal) said:
    July 13, 2017 at 00:36

    I’m a little confused by the math. Why do you take the number of officers promoted (107) and divide it only by the number of officers in zone rather than the total of numbers eligible? It seems to me that the promotion rate is 107/696=15% or take the normal expected promotion rate (i.e. those in zone) about 40%? How is the number you calculated informative?


      Joel Schofer, MD, MBA, CPE responded:
      July 13, 2017 at 06:01

      There are a lot of different ways to do this math, many of which would be more informative or make more sense to me, but this is how the Navy does it. They set a promotion opportunity, multiply it by the number of officers in zone, and that is how many they can select for promotion.


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