Throwback Thursday Classic Post – Who’s On Your List?

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(It is funny to read this 3 years later, as much of it is true to this day, as you’ll read in my 2019 notes in italics below.)

In my opinion, every Naval physician needs to have a list of people. On this list are the people who you absolutely, positively will not mess with. When you talk to them, you show them the utmost respect. When they ask you for something, you give it to them better and faster than you ever give anyone anything. These are the people who have determined your career path to this point and are likely to continue to steer if for the near future.

Who’s on your list? If you don’t know, you should think about this as soon as you can. You might think it is silly, but I’d actually make a list. Just to show you I’m serious, I’ll share my list (as it was when originally posted on the blog):

  • Current Emergency Medicine (EM) Specialty Leader
  • Prior Deputy Commander of NMC Portsmouth
  • Prior EM Specialty Leader
  • Current Director of Medical Services at NMC San Diego
  • Prior EM Specialty Leader and Deputy Medical Corps Chief

Why are they on my list? They are Emergency Physicians like me, and they are the most senior and potentially influential people in my career. They are the people who are senior to me, well thought of in my specialty, and get phone calls or in person inquiries when I apply for a leadership position. For example, one of the people on this list thought of me when the Detailer job became available and endorsed me for it. (That same person just made me the incoming Deputy Medical Corps Chief. I show up at BUMED on September 3rd.)

Who’s not on my list? There are no admirals on my list (at least there weren’t at the time – there certainly are now). As a CDR, it is rare that I’m on the radar of an admiral. Some of them know who I am, and some of them could have a major impact on my career path, but it is unlikely that they’ll take a huge interest in my career until I’m a CAPT and qualify for major leadership positions working directly for them (somewhat of a prescient post, I guess). If an admiral wants to know about Joel Schofer, they’ll probably call one of the CAPTs on my list and ask them about me.

Who should be on your list? The people you should consider putting on your list include:

  • Your Specialty Leader and prior Specialty Leader
  • Your Detailer
  • Influential people in your specialty who are 1-2 ranks senior to you
  • Whoever is currently in the job(s) you want

Undoubtedly there are other people you should consider, but this list is a good start.

Once you create the list, here are the things you need to keep in mind. Always treat these people with the utmost of respect. You should always treat everyone with respect, but these people get special attention. Never get into an argument with them. I’m not saying you have be a “yes man” (or woman) and agree with everything that they say, but any disagreement needs to be collegial and respectful. You want to prevent them from getting mad at you, if at all possible. When they ask you for something or they give you a task, it immediately rises to the top of your to-do list. In addition, you never give them anything but your best, maximal effort.

The Navy is a large organization that can appear impersonal, but people run it. The people on your list are the ones who are going to determine your future and whether you get want you want or not. If I were you, this is one list I’d put some thought into and actually make.

3 thoughts on “Throwback Thursday Classic Post – Who’s On Your List?

    Carlos said:
    August 29, 2019 at 02:27

    I’ll add that as a good rule of thumb – CO/XO. And also, how did I miss that you made Deputy Corps Chief? Sir, you just made my list 😉


    Kristina said:
    December 28, 2019 at 19:14

    Sir, you have been on my list for many years now!


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